Visual Studio Tools

This post is more of a reminder for myself than anything else, as I always forget the exact settings required when I move to a new role.

The first setting is for listing the strong name key for the active Visual Studio project.


  • To add this to the tools menu open the menu and select “External Tools”
  • Add a new item referencing sn.exe (Can be found here on Windows Server 2008 c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0a\Bin\sn.exe)
  • Then enter the following in the arguments text box: -T $(TargetPath)
  • Lastly, remember to check the Use Output Window option so the sn key shows within Visual Studio when you click the menu item.

The other setting I find useful is for listing the IIS application pool processes (w3wp), so instead of attaching the debugger to all active w3wp processes you can pick the correct one for you.
Listing Worker Processes

  • This time add a new item referencing appcmd.exe, which can be found here: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe
  • The required argument this time is: list wp. This will list all the currently running worker processes. Note: this is for IIS7, for IIS6 you have the iisapp.vbs command for listing application pool information.
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