My Development Configuration

Just wanting to share the utilities, custom scripts and applications that I use when developing for SharePoint.

Besides the obvious, Visual Studio, SharePoint Designer and InfoPath, the following is what I find makes developing and debugging that little bit easier.

Visual Studio

When using Visual Studio, I add a few custom menu items to the Tools menu, the following are my staples:

Custom Tools

First up, there’s a menu item for displaying the strong name key for the current assembly.:

Get SN Key

The command here references the %programfiles(x86)%\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0a\Bin\sn.exe file and the following argument -T $(TargetPath). The -T option is used to display the public key token for the assembly given by the TargetPath variable.

Next, I add an option for listing all of the worker processes:

List Worker Processes

The command this time is C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe and the argument list wp.

Running provides an output similar to:

Worker Processes

Which makes it easy to identify which w3wp process to connect to when debugging. Using add-ins such as CKSDev allow you to connect to the available IIS processes but not a specific one.

The next three options (To GAC…) all use a custom batch file which looks like:

@Echo Off
Echo Copying %1 to the GAC
if "%2" == "1" (
  iisreset /restart
  net stop SPTimerV4
  net start SPTimerV4
if "%3" == "1" (
  %windir%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd recycle apppool /"SharePoint - 80"
"%Program Files(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\gacutil" /i "%1" /f

To GAC with Reset

The argument for the To GAC with Reset option is $(TargetPath) 1. This copies the current assembly to the GAC and performs an IIS reset. Again, the CKSDev add-in provides this functionality but you need to copy it first and then reset IIS afterwards, this combines it into the one command.

To GAC with Recycle

The argument for the To GAC with Recycle option is $(TargetPath) 0 1. As with the previous command, this also copies the current assembly to the GAC but this time recycles the SharePoint 80 application pool.


The argument for the To GAC with Recycle option is $(TargetPath). This command simply copies the current assembly to the GAC.

The last custom option I use is SP Dispose Check.

SP Dispose Check

First, download the tool from the following site Dispose Check.

Then add the tool using the command %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft\SharePoint Dispose Check\SPDisposeCheck.exe, argument $(BinDir) and initial directory $(SolutionDir)

OK, that’s it for the Visual Studio tools. Next up, the custom scripts that I use.


Only the one script, if you exclude the copy to GAC batch file.

This script request the SharePoint timer job to process. Easier than going into the Central Administration site and manually running the timer job.

First there’s the PowerShell script:

$snapinAdded = $false
try {
	if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {
		$global:snapinAdded = $true
		Write-Host "Adding Sharepoint module to PowerShell" -NoNewline
		Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell -ErrorAction Stop
		Write-Host " - Done."
	Write-Host "Adding Microsoft.Sharepoint assembly" -NoNewline
	Add-Type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"
	Write-Host " - Done."
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "Starting `"$timerJobName`" " -NoNewline
	$webApp = $null
	if ($url -ne $null -and $url -ne "") {
		Write-Host "for $url " -NoNewLine
		$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication $url
	$job = Get-SPTimerJob | where{$_.Name -match $timerjobName} | where{($webApp -eq $null) -or ($webApp -ne $null -and $_.Parent -eq $webApp)}
    if ($job -eq $null)  {
        Write-Host '- Timer job was not found.' -ForegroundColor Red
	else {
		$job | Start-SPTimerJob
		Write-Host "- Done." -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
	Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Error starting timer job $timerJobName: " $error[0] -ForegroundColor Red
	Exit 1
finally {
	if ($global:snapinAdded -eq $true) {
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Removing Sharepoint module from PowerShell" -NoNewline
		Remove-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
		Write-Host " - Done."
		Write-Host ""

and the batch file to run the script:

Set Url=
Set timerJob=job-workflow
powershell.exe -Command ".\StartTimerJob.ps1 -url \"%Url%\" -timerJobName \"%timerJob%\"  exit $LastExitCode"

Finally, I’ll list the applications and utilities that I use the most.

Apps and Utilities

In no particular order:

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