Some code to add the ECB menu to the specified columns of a view:
public void SetEcbColumnOnView(SPView view, List internalNames)
if (view == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("view");
const string ListItemMenu = "ListItemMenu";
const string ViewFields = "ViewFields";
const string AttributeName = "Name";
XElement root = XElement.Parse(view.GetViewXml());
// Get all columns that use the ECB menu
IEnumerable fields = from el in root.Elements(ViewFields).DescendantNodes().OfType()
where el.Attribute(ListItemMenu) != null
select el;
// Remove the ECB Menu from all columns that currently use it.
foreach (XElement el in fields)
if (internalNames.Count > 0)
//Get the field specified in the parameters
fields = from el in root.Elements(ViewFields).DescendantNodes().OfType()
let nameAttribute = el.Attribute(AttributeName)
where nameAttribute != null && internalNames.Any(v => v.Equals(nameAttribute.Value))
select el;
// Add the attribute to the columns to show the ECB menu
foreach (XElement el in fields)
var attribute = new XAttribute(ListItemMenu, bool.TrueString);
// Update the view
string viewXml = root.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);
Code should be pretty self explanatory, happy coding! 🙂